Inspirational Stories
Hodgkin lymphoma
I was healed from cancer in 90 days! God's glory was displayed in my life in such a major way! I knew I was coming into this with VICTORY and coming out of it in VICTORY! My faith was elevated to another level. It was only a season of my life that came and went, TO GOD BE THE GLORY! This happened at a time when I was going to move to Atlanta Georgia to pursue what God has called me to do. One of those things was Acting. It seemed that at that time everything was working in my favor. Even after my last chemo infusion, people would say, “You don’t look like what you’ve been through,” but let’s backtrack. Let me tell you a story of how God healed me in 3 months.
When I heard the words “It’s Cancer” my initial reaction wasn’t what most would think. I didn’t cry, I didn’t say God why me? I just knew the battle was already won.
In March of 2021, I was experiencing some unusual symptoms. It all began with a rash. Starting on my shoulders and gradually spreading to my chest, arms and knees. I’ve never been allergic to anything so it was quite odd. My initial reaction was Eczema, but the symptoms continue to get worse. I had trouble swallowing, my chest felt compressed and the lump on my neck was getting bigger. On April 14th I went into the ER to get checked out. They ran a few tests and when the doctor came back she said, “We have a problem.” She started to explain to me that she thought it was Hodgkin Lymphoma Cancer and that I needed to get a biopsy done to confirm it. I was admitted to the hospital immediately. April 14th might be just a regular date for many, but for me, it was very significant. In the Bible Esther 4:14 states, “And who knows, but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” God knew my heart and my faith. I was the woman for the job that was going to birth a better version of myself and encourage others along the way.
On April 20th I was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma cancer, but that diagnosis did not have me and it never did. I said to myself, this is nothing but a season because I know the God that I serve and he is a healer and a miracle worker! I knew I was already healed I just had to go through the process in the natural.
I remember going to my first doctor's appointment at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Camden, NJ. A few doctors came in before my main doctor, but when my doctor came in she told me that everyone said they didn’t think I knew my diagnosis lol... the reason for that was because I didn’t walk in there depressed or sad. I walked in there with full-blown VICTORY! If I’m built for this, then I know in which position to FIGHT! The enemy fights in a position of defeat, we fight in a position of VICTORY. I did recognize that I had a journey ahead of me, but with God, by my side, I can do all things!
I started my chemo infusions on May 25th. I walked into the MD Anderson Cancer Center with my makeup done, hair done and a positive attitude, because I knew this was a fixed fight! We CUTE & WINNING! A phrase I consistently used throughout my journey. Yes, my hair did fall out, but I was still cute! Listen, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit” as Proverbs 18:21 states. We must speak victory through any process we go through in this journey called life.
My first experience was the toughest. It felt as if I had hot sauce and an intense toothache in my entire mouth. This lasted for a few days. Then it subsided, but my body was weak and I had no appetite. Chemo is never easy, but I continued to believe that God is a healer and this would be all over soon. After my 2nd infusion, I had a follow-up appointment with my doctor. She started to do a small examination. She went on to feel my neck and chest, where my diagnosis first began. She’s like your clean, I don’t feel anything and goes on to say it’s a MIRACLE! You heard correctly, a MIRACLE! I shouted PRAISE GOD! She then slides the curtain over, because a male nurse was in the room and goes on to say HALLELUJAH! I can’t make this stuff up! God was out here WORKING! Your FAITH will move mountains! The scripture says in Matthew 17:20 “ Jesus said, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, Move from here to there and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
As I continued my treatments God continued to work! The following follow-up appointment arrived and what happened next blew my mind! When my doctor looked at my chart she quickly said, “Are you expecting?” I said expecting what? For many that don’t know, chemotherapy can stop your ovaries from working. This causes infertility, which can be temporary or permanent. My doctor did explain to me at the beginning that I had the option to freeze my eggs before chemo, but I believed in what God told me a few years ago, so I chose not to. I live a life of abstinence till I’m married, so there was no way I was pregnant. She had no idea where that positive pregnancy result came from, but I did. It was a confirmation from God to a promise he had made to me. A few years ago the Lord told me I will have children. It was something I talked to him about and he assured me. This is why it’s so important to grab a hold and keep in remembrance what God tells you because there will come a time when that word will carry weight.
After my fourth chemo treatment, I did a CAT Scan and everything came back negative! Yes, negative. The cancer was completely gone! God did it! A miracle I tell you! I cried I laughed, I jumped for joy because I knew God would do it! I trusted him with my whole heart and he is faithful to his promises. I’m beyond grateful for my family and friends that showed me so much support during that season of my life. The doctors at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Camden, NJ were amazing! It blew my mind how much love they showed me and how truly concerned they were about me. I will forever be grateful for them. As for my Acting career, it will come together in God's timing, and as you already know my trust is set on him. Ecclesiastes 3:1 states, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.”
How are you approaching your situation? Is your faith strong and steadfast enough to stand firm knowing that God is the one who fights your battles? Our faith must be constantly demonstrated by our words and our actions. Remember, Jesus took our sickness on the cross, and if we believe that, we must know that sickness has no part in our bodies. There is no truth in the enemy. When he comes to you with a negative doctor’s report, you must stand in what you believe in and speak it with authority. I want you to walk in VICTORY TODAY! Seasons don’t last. So don’t give up, have faith, and stay the course. He is doing more with your STORY than you will ever know! Be encouraged! Where faith & hope grows, miracles blossom!