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Inspirational Stories


Lymphoma Survivor

Four years ago, 53-year-old Doug was getting ready to walk in his son's wedding, but he had been recently diagnosed with gastric lymphoma and was worried about his future.

While undergoing chemotherapy, Doug ate a lot of unhealthy foods and gained a lot of weight. While in treatment, he decided he needed to take control of his health and began to make some healthy lifestyle changes not only to fight cancer, but tackle his obesity and smoking habit as well.

"It seemed on some level ridiculous to go into my oncologist’s office overweight and smelling like cigarettes and say, 'Thanks for saving my life,'" said Doug. "So I thought quitting would be a good way to thank her." When he was in remission he started exercising and getting back in shape. Today, Doug is in remission and healthy again. He lowered his BMI from 46 down to 24.  

Doug has three grandchildren who he's been able to teach how to ski, surf, and play basketball. They're even in the process of planning a family-backpacking trip. What's more, he'll run his first 5K race in February with his oncologist.  
