Inspirational Stories
primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma (PMBL)
I was diagnosed with lymphoma in June, and on December 14, received the news I was in remission. I had primary mediastinal B-cell lymphoma (PMBL) to be exact. It is a very aggressive form of cancer, and within two weeks of being diagnosed, I had started chemotherapy. I started the regimen called DA-EPOCH-R. It is a 21-day cycle which consists of five days of treatment. I got continuous hours of chemo, and on the fifth day, I got two more infusions. I then had two weeks off.
I was not going to share my story at first, but after much praying, I felt it was necessary to tell my story to bring awareness and to help others. Sometimes we tend to ignore things, and then it may be too late. I share my journey on Facebook. I would like to continue sharing my story and helping to support in any way I can. I plan on making cancer caps and writing a children’s story. I think it’s important that, although you may lose your hair, you can still feel beautiful. I must have at least 15 caps that match my outfits and earrings.