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Inspirational Stories


stage 4 Hodgkin lymphoma (HL)

I am a proud, 52-year-old stage 4 Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) survivor now living in Los Angeles again (my long-time home). I was living in Cleveland to help with some family matters for a couple of years. I found a great new job in Los Angeles, and the very day I accepted the new job, I received my diagnosis (August 25, 2022). That put my life on hold.

I had an 8 cm. cavitary mass in my abdomen and had lost a ton of weight. Six cycles of A+AVD chemo later, I was able to finally take that job and move. Cleveland Clinic and The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) provided so much necessary support, and I will be forever grateful. I completed chemo on Feb 17, 2023. I didn’t need radiation or surgery and am in great shape. I was amazingly lucky and learned a lot about not just illness but family, friends, and mental outlook (attitude is half the battle, probably more!).

My cancer/chemo journey was a lot less painful or troublesome than that of many people, but I started out as terrified as anyone else. I strongly feel that it is my duty to pay my good fortune forward to help people facing the same battle, so here I am!

I am very much able and want to help people at the start or in the midst of this often-scary journey. My story may not be typical (I somehow managed to avoid nausea, believe it or not!), but I can be a beacon that says, “Hey, this will be hard, but it can also be a new beginning!”

It is no small thing to be given a second chance, and I don’t take it lightly. I would love to help or inspire others to have that opportunity.

David stage 4 Hodgkin lymphoma (HL)