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Finding Support in Community: Walgreens and LLS Show Up for Blood Cancer Patients

By The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society | July 27, 2024

We all need a helping hand sometimes.  

Add on a cancer diagnosis and the everyday suddenly feels... different. In many ways, harder. 

Fear. Anger. Confusion. All natural and understandable reactions to the words, “you have cancer.” It can often feel isolating—even with a strong support system. But it’s this support—this community—that can help make a difference in both coping and overall wellbeing (maybe even health outcomes). 

That’s partly why The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) and Walgreens are working together: to be the difference. To provide needed funds for our overall mission of curing blood cancer and improving lives. And to contribute meaningful financial support to a few individuals across the country. 

This year, as a part of our long-standing partnership with Walgreens, we teamed up to hand out five $250 gift cards to help offset some of the cost of necessary care for blood cancer patients and their families in Bakersfield, CA, Chicago, IL, Hartford, CT, and Philadelphia, PA. 

"I'm just grateful to be a part of this. Support is everything, so I appreciate coming together like this to make bonds within our community. I hope more people become aware of blood cancer through this effort." - Raquel G., Walgreens employee, CT 

From treatment costs to transportation, the financial impact of blood cancer can be immense. With a little boost, LLS and Walgreens hope to ease some of the burden. 

But as Raquel points out: this is about more than a gift card. This is community. 

Jessica and Joselin smiling with their Walgreens gift cards

The Real Impact: Community 

In Chicago, Jessica C. and Joselin G. joined LLS and their local Walgreens teams for a small celebration and received $250 gift cards.

Both acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) survivors, Jessica and Joselin learned they have even more in common. The women were diagnosed with the same blood cancer, in the same year, treated at the same hospital, and had very similar experiences throughout treatment and beyond. 

At the event, they exchanged contact information and plan to stay in touch. Jessica shared that she was “so happy to be able to get to connect with [Joselin]” thanks to the meaningful partnership between Walgreens and LLS. 

The real impact of our five-year partnership goes beyond financial support—it is building a support system. A community. A network of people who care about each other and their health. These relationships not only provide connection, but can also help alleviate some of the logistical burdens of treatment, maintenance, or remission; reduce stress; and provide emotional support. They remind us that we’re not alone. 


The Bottom Line: Every Dollar Makes a Difference 

Walgreens has helped raise more than $37.9 million over the past five years to advance research for tough-to-treat cancers and increase equitable access to care so that we can continue to improve the lives of all those affected by blood cancer. 

We’re so grateful to Walgreens for five years of life-changing impact—both financial and social—in local communities across the country. Our partnership is a reminder that together we can (and do) make a difference in real lives. Through sharing the financial weight. Through empathy. Through community. 

Thank you for being a part of our community, Walgreens. 

Be a part of our mission to find cures and improve the lives of everyone affected by blood cancer.

Donate today.