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Online Chat Login Instructions

Step 1

Visit the log-in screen:


Step 2

Scroll down and click on "Enter as Guest"


Step 3

Enter a username and click "Join".

NOTE: You do not need to use your real name, but you may want to consider using the same username each time, so other participants can recognize you.


Step 4

You will see a list of chat rooms on the left hand side. Click on the name of the chat in which you would like to participate. This will bring you to the chat room.



Step 5

To enter a message, type in the text box at the bottom of the screen. Hit "Enter" on your keyboard when you are ready to send your message. You are able to attach items by clicking onto the paper clip and following the instructions. Once you hit enter, your message will appear with a black question mark next to it. The other participants will not see your message until the moderator pushes it through. Once it's been pushed through, the question mark will disappear.

NOTE: Please wait until the moderator opens the chat room before entering any messages. No messages will appear until the moderator opens the chat room, and the moderator will not see any messages that were entered before the room was opened. 


To Request a Private Chat with the Moderator:

  1. Click onto the three black dots on the upper right hand corner
  2. Select "User list"
  3. Click on the moderator’s name.


For Technical Issues or Questions:

  • Call: 1-800-955-4572 to speak with an LLS Information Specialist 
  • Email: